Version vom 8. April 2017, 15:40 Uhr von Ralph (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „<div class="noprint"> By clicking the icon behind the language, the table can be sorted.“)
Black tents are typical German, but scouting is international and the kohte and yurt have meanwhile gained their international distribution.
This Dictionary provides translations for the most important terms from the world of German Black Tents.
Allgemein - general - en général
Deutsch | English | Français | Español |
Schwarzzelt | german black tent, german scout tent | ||
Zelt | tent | tente | |
Zeltlager | camp | ||
Zeltbahn, Zeltplane | tarpaulin |
Konstuktionen - constructions - construtions
Deutsch | English | Français |
Kohte, Kohte im Wiktionary | Kohte | la kohte |
Jurte | yurt | la yourte |
Super-Jurte | super yurt | la yourte super |
Großjurte | big yurt | la yourte grande |
Super-Großurte | super big yurt | la yourte super grande |
Giga-Großjurte | giga big yurt | la yourte giga grande |
Ovaljurte, Theaterjurte | oval yurt, theater yurt | la yourte ovale |
Gigaset | Gigaset | le Gigaset |
Jurtenburg | yurt castle | le château de yourte |
Jurtendom | yurt dome | la cathédrale de yourte |
Kröte | toad | le crapaud |
Lok | locomotive | la locomotive |
Fünfer-Jurte |
Planen - tarps - bâches
Deutsch | English | Français |
Kohtenblatt, Kohtenplane, Kohtenbahn, Kohtenstück | kohte panel | |
Kohtenseitenwand | kohte side wall | |
Viereckzeltbahn, Jurtenplane | tent panel, square panel | |
Doppelzeltbahn, Doppeljurtenplane | double tent panel, double square panel | |
Super-Viereckzeltbahn XL | super tent panel, super square panel | |
Super-Doppelzeltbahn XL | super double tent panel, super double square panel | |
Jurtendach | yurt roof | |
Zwischendachplane | roof extension panel | |
Großjurtendach | big yurt roof | |
Giga-Großjurtendach | giga big yurt roof | |
Halb-Jurtendach | half yurt roof | |
Jurtenabdeckplane | yurt tarpaulin, tent cap | |
Kohtenabdeckplane | kohte tarpaulin, tent cap | |
Rauchlochabdeckung | smoke hole tarpaulin | |
Fensterstücke | window panel | |
Fensterstück Folie | window panel film | |
Fensterstück Tüll mit Klappe | window panel net with flap | |
Fensterstück Blind | window panel blind | |
Jurtenerker | yurt oriel | oriel yourte |
Bodendecke | groundsheet | |
Traufkante | eaves, wheater flap | |
Erdstreifen | ground strip | |
Komplettdach | ||
Rauchloch | smoke hole |
Zubehör - equipment - accessoires
Deutsch | English | Français |
Seil | rope | corde |
Abspannseile | guy rope | |
Jurtengerüst | yurt frame | |
Jurtenkette, Jurtenspinne | yurt chain | |
Jurtenkreuz | yurt cross | |
Kohtenkreuz | kohte cross | |
Hering | tent peg, stake | sardine |
Jurtenstange, Mittelstange | center pole | |
Aufstellstab, Seitenstange | tent pole | mât de tente |
Öse | eyelet | |
Schlaufe | loop | |
Doppelknopf | double button |
Lagerbauten - - installation du camp
Deutsch | English | Français |
Stangenholz | ||
Einbein | ||
Zweibein | ||
Dreibein | tripod |
Fachwissen - expertise - compétence
Deutsch | English | Français |
Bund | lashing | |
Dreibeinbund | tripod lashing | |
Kreuzbund | diagonal lashing | |
Parallelbund | shear lashing | |
Diagonalbund | ||
Knoten | knots | nœud |
Abspannknoten | ||
Kreuzknoten | carrick bend | |
Achterknoten | figure of eight knot |
Feuer - fire - feu
Deutsch | English | Français |
Feuerstelle | fireplace | l'emplacement du feu |
Lagerfeuer | campfire | le feu de camp |
Zeltofen |
Sonstiges - others - autre
Deutsch | English | Français |
Baumwolle | cotton | |
Rundzelt | bell tent | |
Küchenzelt | kitchen tent | la tente d'intendance |
- There are (for now) no corresponding terms in other languages for many special terms from German language usage. Here we are looking for meaningful descriptions.
- In some cases the German terms are also adopted in the English language. The term Kohte is quite common there.