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The Caller

Datei:The Caller.jpg

Text & Melodie Edward “Ned” Corvan
Melodie und Liedtext sind Gemeinfrei. Sie können beliebig vervielfältigt und weitergegeben werden.

Mehr dieser Lieder findest du in unserem JuLiBu.

Codex x
Bulibu I x
Bulibu II x
Liederbock x
Schwarzer Adler x
Wandervogel x
Zupfgeigenhansl x
Jurtenburg x

\version "2.12.3"

\language "deutsch"

\header {
  tagline = ""

\layout {
  indent = #0

akkorde = \chordmode {
    \set chordChanges = ##t
    f1*3/4 c:7 c:7 f f c:7 c:7 f f c:7 c:7 f

global = {
    \language "english"
    \key d \major
    \time 4/4
    \tempo "Andante."

melodie = \relative c' {
    fs4.\p e8 d8.[ e16] fs8. g16 |
    a4 a2 a4 |
    b4 fs8. fs16 fs4 b |
    a2. r4 |
    a4.\mf gs8 fs8. gs16 a8. b16 |
    cs4 cs2 a8 b |
    cs4. fs,8 fs4 gs4 |
    fs2~ fs4 r4 |
    d'2\f cs8 cs8 a8. fs16 |
    b4 b a fs8\p e8 |
    d4^\markup { \italic rall. } e8. fs16 g4 fs8. e16 |
    a2\dim a2 |
    a1~\> |
    a2\pp r2 \bar "|."

text = \lyricmode {
Why sweet slum -- ber now dis -- tur -- bing,
Why break the mid -- night peace, 
Why the sons of toil per -- tur -- bing, 
Have their hours of rest to cease?
Ho! mar -- rows, 'tis the Cal -- ler cries, 
And his voice in the gloom of the night mist dies.

\score {
%    \new ChordNames { \akkorde }
    \new Voice = "Lied" { \melodie }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Lied" { \text }
\midi {}
\layout {}

2. The twinkling stars, through night shade peering,
Blink above with heavenly light
On the sleeping world, as a voice calls clear,
In the stilly air of the sable night.
Ho ! marrows, 'tis the Caller cries,
And his voice in the gloom of the night mist dies.

3. The collier sleeps, e'en now he's dreaming
Of a pure bright world and loved ones there,
He basks in the rays of fortune beaming
In some far land, full and fair.
Ho ! marrows, 'tis the Caller cries,
And his voice in the gloom of the night mist dies.

4. Dream on, thou poor and ill-used collier,
For slaves should aye have visions bright,
There's one above who deems thee holier
Than the wealthiest in his sight.
Ho ! marrows, 'tis the Caller cries,
And his voice in the gloom of the night mist dies.

5. Speed, thee, old man, let him slumber
When happy thoughts are in his breast;
Why should the world his peace encumber?
Go, let the weary collier rest.
Ho ! marrows, 'tis the Caller cries,
And his voice in the gloom of the night mist dies.

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