Die Eingabedatei von LilyPond konnte nicht kompiliert werden:

line 6 - column 1:
syntax error, unexpected \layout
line 8 - column 28:
unknown escaped string: `\Score'
line 8 - column 56:
syntax error, unexpected '='
line 2 - column 1:
errors found, ignoring music expression
line 12 - column 1:
\paper cannot be used in \score, use \layout instead
line 14 - column 1:
syntax error, unexpected end of input, expecting '}'

2. Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Whare hae ye been sae brankie, O?
Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Came ye by Killicrankie, O?

An ye had been whare I hae been,
Ye wadna been sae cantie, O;
An ye had seen what I hae seen,
I' the braes o' Killicrankie, O.

3. I faught at land, I faught at sea,
At hame I faught my auntie, O;
But I met the devil and Dundee
On the braes o' Killicrankie, O.

4. The bauld Pitcur fell in a furr,
And Clavers got a clankie, O,
Or I had fed an Athol gled
On the braes o' Killicrankie, O.

5. O fie, Mackay, what gart ye lie
I' the bush ayont the brankie, O?
Ye'd better kiss'd King Willie's loof,
Than come to Killicrankie, O.

It's nae shame, it's nae shame,
It's nae shame to shank ye, O;
There's sour slaes on Athol braes,
And deils at Killicrankie, O.

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